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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Our Little Energizer Bunny...

It has been about 18-19 hours since we were admitted. Chandra has advanced slowly. She is still walking around and bouncing/rocking on the ball. She is beginning to get really hungry and tired of just popsicles. We have played SkipBo countless times, have read Ensign articles together, watched TV, and napped. At the last visit from the Dr. she was rated as being dilated to a 3 with 80% effacement. Chandra says her contractions are becoming stronger and closer together. If this baby behaves like Ethan did, he should be born 24 hours after the first administration of Cervidil. That puts us around 1900-2000. We have about 3-4 hours to learn what comes after the number 3.


Crystal said...

I keep hitting refresh on your blog. Wow. What a day, Chris. Both of you will deserve a break after this! And you will get one. In about 4 years, eh?

Margaret said...

thinking of you tonight!