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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Labor Day Weekend~ Bethany Beach

Ryan slept so soundly so I could pack! Thank you buddy!!!  We decided to take off and do one more quick trip to the beach since Chris and I haven't gone yet this year!  It was nice and relaxing.  We stayed at my parents home in Bethany Beach, Delaware and it was so nice to celebrate my birthday relaxing with family!!!  I love my parents home, especially their new bathroom.  I could live in there...well almost! HA!
  My dad finally got his car back after being worked on the past 8 months!!!!  Yes, it rides wonderfully!!!  The kids absolutely love this car....we all rode in it!  Mom even took Ryan and I out while the others were at the beach! HA! It's super nice Dad!!!! Enjoy!!!

 Chris and the kids at the ocean!
 So we all went to the boardwalk this first night to see the concert which was 'A Tribute to Jimmy Buffet'.  SWEET I was horrible!  The band didn't play any Jimmy Buffet songs.  The baby was super fussy....and so we left after 20 minutes or so!  We were actually all glad to leave, come home, get showers and visit, play games for the evening.  We would come back tomorrow night for the Elvis concert....which was AWESOME!!!! The kids were singing ELVIS songs for weeks....

 Christina, Haley and Little David joined us late Saturday night and all day Sunday!  It was nice having them come down.  The kids really enjoyed being together and going to the beach together!  It's always a great time when family is together!!!
 We played checkers.....chess......and other games.....

 We went to CAN'T go to the beach and not stop at Hockers for ice cream!  HOLY MOLY!!!! These cones were one scoop...yes I said 1 scoop.  They are HUGE!!! The kids loved them!
 Mom loved hers too! Thanks Mom for treating us for my b-day!!!!! I love you!
 Low and behold....these are the banana splits.  Chris and I shared one and so did Dad and Christina! DELICIOUS and full of calories....I think this is why we get them once a year! HA!!!
 Haley and Ryan....I just love that the bibs get all turned around so that by the end of the day they are flapping in the wind towards the back!!!!  Cuteness!!!  Haley loved to hold Ryan...and hopes to have a baby brother or sister someday soon!  She was such a helper holding Ryan.  Thank you Haley!!

 Here are Christina and David with Ryan on Monday back in MD before we left to come home!
 Ryan loves his bath!  After the trip, he enjoyed getting all nice and clean! YAY! Hunter helps alot with is bath!  He put on bubbles on his chin and tried to see what Ryan would look like with a beard!

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