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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Tooth Fairy Visit

Alexis has finally after about 5 days lost her top left tooth! We will get a special visit this evening! YAY!!!

 After her tooth was out....she said, "Mom, it hurts a little bit" with a few tears! Silly girl!
 After finding out her tooth was hollow in the middle, she's all smiles! Look at this beautiful smile! ;)

Here's my tooth!  This is Alexis' 3rd tooth she has lost.  She completely let daddy pull both her others and was not going to let anyone touch this one! Finally she had daddy "just pull it" because it was literally dangling out!  I was afraid she was going to swallow it! After brushing her teeth tonight, she said, "Mom, I look so different and can't wait to drink with a straw and not even open my mouth!"  The things kids think of, right?!?!

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